Welcome to VNEA
Valley National 8 Ball League Association
Founded in 1979, VNEA is a non-profit organization established to promote good sportsmanship, goodwill and unity among players of the game of pool, and at the same time promote business and goodwill for our sponsoring locations.
VNEA is a sanctioned pool league. Sanction fees are $15 per player (if paid prior to December 15th, $17 after December 15th) per sanction year. The sanction year is from July 1 to June 30 each year.
To be a sponsor, the location must have our pool tables and pay a $25 sponsor fee per team each season. It is the location's responsibility to form teams (our League Coordinator will be glad to assist you in getting started). You can have up to 2 teams for each pool table at your location.
Each team will have a captain, who will be responsible for the team members knowing the rules, making sure players are present when scheduled to play, collecting league fees each night of play from players, keeping the score sheet, confirming the scores and feats with the opposing team captain, and communicating with the League Coordinator. The captain is also required to attend or have their representative present for all meetings. There are usually 2 meetings per season; pre season and mid-season.
VNEA League rules are followed. Rule books will be supplied to each team, along with score sheets, envelopes, and table markers.
Scheduling of games is done by the League Coordinator. Night of play can vary depending on the location and league. We are a traveling league, which means our teams travel to different sponsoring locations each week to play. We do have in-house leagues available for locations with at least 3 of our tables and at least 6 teams. Contact our League Coordinator for more details.
This is a 4-player team with up to 3 alternates (7 players total per team). A 16-game format is used. Play is on Monday nights.
This is a 3-player team with up to 2 alternates (5 players total per team). A 27-game format is used. Play is on Wednesday nights.
League play starts at 8:00 P.M. and usually finishes around 11:00 P.M. Nightly league fees are $10 per player.
At the end of each season there is a Playoff Championship for the teams and an Awards Ceremony with Trophies, feat awards, and money recognizing teams and players for their accomplishments during the season.
Our League Coordinator will be glad to assist you with forming teams, and in-house tournaments at your location. For more information, contact our League Coordinator:
Rhonda Nolan